New Beginnings

As senior year is winding to a close, I have begun to reflect on the past year. Since my last post, a lot has happened that has put my faith to test. Lyndon, the person who baptised me and I was dating, broke up with me and cut me out of his life. The personal details of such will not be discussed. All I will say is I miss my best friend dearly, but I guess the Lord is putting us on separate paths for now. Who knows...maybe I'll bump into him at Walmart in like 5 years and I can be all like, "Hey, still hate me? *finger guns*" and he can be all like "Yup, go away, weirdo-meanie". All in all it will be a fantastic and so very loving reunion that it will bring even the Queen of England to tears.

A  wonderful quote by D. Todd Christofferson I look a lot now is "Challenges are are at times an indicator of the Lord's trust in you." I truly believe that the Lord is helping me get through this year and the person I have to thank for knowing that is the Holy Ghost, Lyndon, and my dearest Sister Stratton.

Despite the lost of a great friend, confidant, and romantic interest, I am optimistic about the future. I revamped this blog's look so I am excited to jump back into the blogging world. I have a ton of new ideas and will have the summer to expound on them! 

To update everyone, this fall I will be attending Florida State University as a Nursing major. My plan is to get my undergraduate in Nursing and then continue on to either medical school or specialise as a nurse. I am blessed to say that I have gotten enough scholarship money that my family and I will only have to pay about $1,000 a semester. This number is, of course, without the cost of books. 

But, awesome news! I have a job interview with Panera Bread on Friday, so hopefully I will be able to land my second job! Yes, second job. Do you guys not already know that I am suicidal? I mean...a workaholic? (lol what is sleep anyway) This summer I will be working full time at my mother's dentistry as a sterlisation tech. and then will work part-time at night at either Panera Bread or somewhere else. Hopefully Panera Bread will hire me. 

Do you think it looks desperate if I wear a name tag to the interview that says "Please hire me so I can pay for medical school"?  Just a little? 


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