Only a Stonecutter

  Tonight, we had the missionaries over for dinner. Like any typical visit with them, it ended with laughter and smiles. But, before, we had a wonderful, wonderful spiritual conversation.

  After a delicious dinner of omelets, the sisters played for us "Only a Stonecutter". If you haven't watched this video released by the Church, then totally do. It's so touching. Anyway, the whole video was about magnifying our callings in the church and a reminder about the things the pioneers did for us so many years ago.

  The man, John Rowe Moyle, in the video was a pioneer and convert from England. He walked all the way from Boston to the Salt Lake Valley with his family. After he arrived, he was called as a stonemason for the Salt Lake Temple. For over 20 years, he dedicated his life to building the temple even though that meant walking 22 miles to Salt Lake on Mondays and 22 miles back home on Friday evenings. That left only a day for chores at his family farm.

  Well, I won't spoil what happens, but he ends up losing one of his legs. I watched, awed, as the video told the story of how he fashioned a peg leg and then eventually began to walk again the 22 miles to work on the temple. He truly magnified his he said to his wife, "Callings are never convenient, my love".

   In the future, when I have a calling, I hope to dedicate myself as much as he did to my own calling. Heavenly Father knows our strengths and our weaknesses. It is our job to magnify the callings He gives us and to know, that there is a reason we have them. If we struggle and ask Him for help, He will help us learn new skills so that we can magnify our callings and to be successful.

  Today was also Pioneer Day. Reflecting on that, I truly am grateful for the pioneers' sacrifices and trials so that the Church could go on. It's amazing what they did and what they built. The Church has a foundation of so many wonderfully spiritual men and women and I hope to continue that in the future.
The beautiful Salt Lake Temple that John Rowe Moyle worked on. 


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