
Showing posts from May, 2016

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Sarah Dessen, the author of The Truth about Forever, said  “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”  This rings true in Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. In a simple, elegant style, Moyes somehow captures the essence of love in ink. I do not know how she does it, but she takes readers on a journey that fills your heart with love. Except this love is not what you would expect. In fact, the romance between Louisa Clark and Will Traynor for most of the book is so subtle it's hard to recognize. However, in a mere chapter, it exploded into something absolutely beautiful.  This is definitely a book I would consider reading again and again. The book evolves around Louisa Clark, a spunky 28-year-old living in a tiny English village. When she loses her job at a local cafĂ©, the Job Centre does not offer her many fulfilling occupations. Jumping from factory worker to fast food, she is...

The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly

Neil Gaiman, the author of Coraline and The Graveyard Book , once said, "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten." The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly is an excellent example of a fairy tale teaching us that our inner demons can be beaten. The author mixes children's stories with mature issues such as accepting the  death of a loved one and change at a young age. In this fashion, John Connolly crafts an excellent tale that is intended to be read deeper than face-value. When I first read this book, I was in a dry spell of reading. Nothing seemed worth reading as everything sounded the same. Books were predictable. However, John Connolly offers a strange new view of classic fairy tales that will pull at the heartstrings. His novel follows a young boy named David. He lost his mother at a young age and struggles to find acceptance. In the months following his mother's death, he turns to ...

New Beginnings

As senior year is winding to a close, I have begun to reflect on the past year. Since my last post, a lot has happened that has put my faith to test. Lyndon, the person who baptised me and I was dating, broke up with me and cut me out of his life. The personal details of such will not be discussed. All I will say is I miss my best friend dearly, but I guess the Lord is putting us on separate paths for now. Who knows...maybe I'll bump into him at Walmart in like 5 years and I can be all like, "Hey, still hate me? *finger guns*" and he can be all like "Yup, go away, weirdo-meanie". All in all it will be a fantastic and so very loving reunion that it will bring even the Queen of England to tears. A  wonderful quote by D. Todd Christofferson I look a lot now is "Challenges are are at times an indicator of the Lord's trust in you." I truly believe that the Lord is helping me get through this year and the person I have to thank for knowing that is...