What I Believe

But, like a different Jesus Christ?

If you are interested in learning more about my religion, please visit: www.lds.org

Questions always arise as to what exactly Mormons believe. Missionaries have told me that people think the Jesus Christ we believe in is different from the "real Jesus Christ". I have seen also people thinking the Church is a cult, LDS men have at least 5 wives, members live in a commune, LDS women only where boxy dresses that go down to our ankles, worship Joseph Smith, and my personal favourite, grow horns out of our heads.

However, I am here to tell you these are all FALSE. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are often no different than any other Jane or John Doe walking down the street. We believe and LOVE our Savior, Jesus Christ. The very same man you learn about at any other church on Sunday. We are intimately aware of His sacrifice to atone for our sins. I know I am overwhelmingly grateful for Jesus Christ to come down, minister to His flock, and then choose to die for us. He is the perfect example of following Heavenly Father's will.

So, we don't worship Joseph Smith. We worship Heavenly Father, the same God all Christians pray to. I know Heavenly Father is alive and well. He is aware of you and me. He knows us by our names. He loves us so much and is looking forward to the day we return to Him. I know I was put on this earth by Him to fulfill some specific mission. Have I figured out that mission exactly? No, but I'm learning more about my purpose here on earth every day I choose to grow closer to Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

An important thing to note, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints use both the Bible (KJV Bible, to be exact) AND the Book of Mormon to learn and grow closer to our God and Savior. They are complementary and allow us to better understand God's will. I am so grateful for the missionaries that taught me and I know that this Church is true. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and the fullness of the Gospel has been restored by the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that if you choose to meet with missionaries and read and pray about The Book of Mormon, with a sincere heart and real intent, Heavenly Father will reveal its truthfulness unto you.



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